Web Development in Rust

This blog is gonna briefly cover all the aspect about this web teaching kit which I have curated for the RainOfRust campaign.

Below are the key takeways and learning from this activity.

Key learnings:

  • Learn to build web services in Rust
  • Integrate db services

Key takeaways:

  • Code samples and instructions for building the service


Follow the stepwise instruction below to setup the whole project:

  • Create the project
cargo new --bin rust-users
  • Mention the dependencies
nano Cargo.toml


name = "rust-users"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = [ "Firstname Lastname <dvigneshwer@gmail.com>" ]

nickel = "*"
mongodb = "*"
bson = "*"
rustc-serialize = "*"

  • Copy and paste the following code in main.rs:
extern crate nickel;
extern crate rustc_serialize;

#[macro_use(bson, doc)]
extern crate bson;
extern crate mongodb;

// Nickel
use nickel::{Nickel, JsonBody, HttpRouter, MediaType};
use nickel::status::StatusCode::{self};

// MongoDB
use mongodb::{Client, ThreadedClient};
use mongodb::db::ThreadedDatabase;
use mongodb::error::Result as MongoResult;

// bson
use bson::{Bson, Document};
use bson::oid::ObjectId;

// rustc_serialize
use rustc_serialize::json::{Json, ToJson};

#[derive(RustcDecodable, RustcEncodable)]
struct User {
    firstname: String,
    lastname: String,
    email: String

fn main() {

    let mut server = Nickel::new();
    let mut router = Nickel::router();

    router.get("/users", middleware! { |request, response|

	    // Connect to the database
	    let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017)
	      .ok().expect("Error establishing connection.");

	    // The users collection
	    let coll = client.db("rust-users").collection("users");

	    // Create cursor that finds all documents
	    let mut cursor = coll.find(None, None).unwrap();

	    // Opening for the JSON string to be returned
	    let mut data_result = "{\"data\":[".to_owned();

	    for (i, result) in cursor.enumerate() {
	    	if let Ok(item) = result {
	    	        if let Some(&Bson::String(ref firstname)) = item.get("firstname") {
	    	            let string_data = if i == 0 {
    	                    format!("{},", firstname)
    	                } else {
    	                    format!("{},", firstname)


	    // Close the JSON string

	    // Send back the result
	    format!("{}", data_result)


	router.post("/users/new", middleware! { |request, response|

	    // Accept a JSON string that corresponds to the User struct
	    let user = request.json_as::<User>().unwrap();

	    let firstname = user.firstname.to_string();
	    let lastname = user.lastname.to_string();
	    let email = user.email.to_string();

	    // Connect to the database
	    let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017)
	        .ok().expect("Error establishing connection.");

	    // The users collection
	    let coll = client.db("rust-users").collection("users");

	    // Insert one user
	    match coll.insert_one(doc! {
	        "firstname" => firstname,
	        "lastname" => lastname,
	        "email" => email
	    }, None) {
	        Ok(_) => (StatusCode::Ok, "Item saved!"),
	        Err(e) => return response.send(format!("{}", e))

	router.delete("/users/:id", middleware! { |request, response|

	    let client = Client::connect("localhost", 27017)
	        .ok().expect("Failed to initialize standalone client.");

	    // The users collection
	    let coll = client.db("rust-users").collection("users");

	    // Get the objectId from the request params
	    let object_id = request.param("id").unwrap();

	    // Match the user id to an bson ObjectId
	    let id = match ObjectId::with_string(object_id) {
	        Ok(oid) => oid,
	        Err(e) => return response.send(format!("{}", e))

	    match coll.delete_one(doc! {"_id" => id}, None) {
	        Ok(_) => (StatusCode::Ok, "Item deleted!"),
	        Err(e) => return response.send(format!("{}", e))



  • Setup mongodb:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 7F0CEB10

echo "deb http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu "$(lsb_release -sc)"/mongodb-org/3.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.0.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

service mongod status
  • Check if its working fine:
$ mongo
> use rust-users
> db.users.find( { "firstname": "VIKI" } ).pretty()
  • Run the program:
cargo run

We should get theses set of outputs on hitting these endpoints.

Ref :

Written on May 19, 2017